Friday, 27 May 2011

Title: 'Quotes From The Vortex'

          Dear fellow Seeker,
          I am certain that you will be blessed to remember the following....
  • You only lose what you cling to.
  • Fill your mind with compassion.
  • We live in illusion and the appearance of things.
  • There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all.
  • The Four Reliances -
    First, rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings, not on the words;
    Second, rely on the teachings, not on the personality of the teacher;
    Third, rely on real wisdom, not superficial interpretation;
    And fourth, rely on the essence of your pure Wisdom Mind, not on judgmental perceptions.
  • We are what we think. All that we are, arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.
  • To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.
  • Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.
  • Pay no attention to the faults of others, things done or left undone by others.
    Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone.
  • What we think, we become.
  • Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.
  • Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others.
  • He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.
  • An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind
  • Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.
   .... And I know because, it's these very words of wisdom, that have also blessed me.

Peace x Rev.Bola

Title: 'Canvas of Vortex Consciousness '

                                  Title: 'David Icke Portrait' - Painting by Rev.Bola

Do you want to know what the 'Otherside' is like? 
You can experience 'the Vortex' right now by clicking on this portrait painting of David Icke. You can also learn more about other realities. Enjoy!
Love and Light

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Title: 'Tools - From The Vortex'

The Coach says:  

--''Between you and me, you know a lot of the things you should do to make your life better, don’t you? If you can pretend you don’t know, then you’re not responsible for the mistakes you make. Then you can continue. It sure does make things easier if you don’t know. I mean, if you really don’t know you should exercise, then you don’t have to. If you know you should and you’re not, then certain issues regarding your health are your fault.

If you don’t know that you should pay more attention to your relationships, then the problems aren’t your fault. It’s a great thing not to know, isn’t it? But just between you and me, you do know a lot of the things you should be doing, don’t you? That’s what I thought. That’s great; I don’t care about the past. I don’t care why you’ve been pretending not to know and pretending you can’t do anything about many of the things that could improve the quality of your life. The past is the past. Nothing either one of us can do about it at this point. But I’m involved now, and I have no intention of letting you get away with that any more!

The past cannot be changed, the future is still in your power.  - Hugh White

Today is today, and today is the day to start telling the truth and start doing the things you know you should....

ToolsToLife is set up for you to come to understand that your biggest obstacle in your life has been you. Once you get rid of the lies, excuses, fears, complaints and all the other reasons you hold yourself back, there’s nothing but action and results ahead.'' ---

 Would you like to receive some very practical Tools that can help you improve in record time, any area of your life, and all completely FREE of charge? Then checkout the wonders available to you now, by going straight to this amazing website:-  
 Free: Tools To Life

I am sure you will be as pleasantly surprised as I was to discover this.
Peace and Light


Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Title: 'Resting In The Vortex'

An Inner Journey

Notice how you are feeling right now... physically and mentally. 

Find a comfortable position sitting or lying down.

Take a deep breath in through your nose, 

and release the breath through your mouth.

Take another breath, 
and allow your breathing to relax you as you exhale fully.
Breathe in gently... and as you breathe out, 
let the air carry the tension out of your body.
Continue to breathe slowly and gently 
as you begin to focus on relaxing your body.
Notice where your body is tense. 
Focus your attention on one of these areas. 
As you breathe, picture that part of your body 
becoming slightly more relaxed than it was before. 
With each breath, that part of your body 
becomes a little more relaxed.
Imagine what the relaxation feels 
like..... tingly.... soft.... 
and let that feeling of relaxation grow.

Scan your body for any areas of tension, and for each area,
let the relaxation soften the muscles as they give up their hold. 
Let the feeling of relaxation grow....spreading calm throughout your body.
Breathe in relaxation..... and breathe out tension..... breathe in calm.... 
and let all the tension go as you exhale....
Continue to breathe slowly, and gently, deepening your state 
of relaxation more and more with each breath. 
Deeper and deeper. More and more relaxed. Calm. At peace.
Now begin to create a picture in your mind. 
Imagine a place where you feel completely at ease. 
This might be a favorite place you have been, 
or somewhere you have seen, 
or it might be completely imaginary.
It's up to you. 

Picture this place where you feel happy and calm.
Create the details about this place in your mind. 
Visualize the sights.... sounds.... and smells... of your place. 
Imagine how you feel physically. 
You are comfortable, enjoying the pleasant temperature..... 
enjoying being still and relaxing or doing whatever 
enjoyable activities you participate in here.....
Enjoy the way you feel in this safe place.
You feel calm and safe here. At peace with yourself.
Remain in your peaceful place while you 
meditate calmly and build your self-esteem.
Imagine that all of the following affirmations are true for you, 
right now in this moment, 
and enjoy the self-esteem relaxation you experience. 
Repeat each affirmation in your mind, 
or out loud, with conviction. 
Use your imagination to fully believe 
each self-esteem relaxation affirmation.
The self-esteem relaxation affirmations begin now.

I am at peace with myself.
I appreciate who I am.
I value myself as a person.
All people have value, and I am a valuable human being.
I deserve to relax.
I deserve to be happy.
I embrace my happy feelings, and enjoy being content.
I imagine and believe that all of these affirmations are true for me, 
right now in this moment, 
and enjoy the self-esteem relaxation I am experiencing.
When my mood is low, I accept my emotions 
and recognize that the low mood will pass, 
and I will be happy again. 
I look forward to the good times. 
My future is bright and positive.
I look forward to the future, and I enjoy the present.
I look fondly upon many memories from my past.
I forgive myself for my mistakes. 
All people make mistakes. 
I used to feel regret about some of my mistakes because 
I am a good person and want to do the best that I can, 
and now, I am still a good person 
and I release the feelings of regret because 
I have learned and moved on.
I forgive myself for errors I have made, 
because I have felt bad about them long enough. 
I have suffered enough, and now it is time to be free. 
By freeing myself from past mistakes, 
I can move on and do good things. I forgive myself.
I imagine and believe that all of these affirmations are true for me, 
right now in this moment, 
and enjoy the self-esteem relaxation I am experiencing.
I feel good about who I am today. 

I accept the person that I am. 
I accept my flaws, and accept my strengths.
I view my shortcomings as strengths not yet developed,
rather than as weaknesses.
I eagerly develop new strengths.
I imagine and believe that all of these affirmations are true for me, 
right now in this moment, 
and enjoy the self-esteem relaxation I am experiencing.
I approach challenges with strength.
I do the best that I can at the time. 
I give 100% effort when I am able 
and when I choose to put full effort 
toward the things that are important. 
I accept my imperfections and the imperfections in what I do. 
My efforts are good enough, and they're okay.
I do not have to be perfect to be okay as a person.
I am a human being with flaws. 
I enjoy being who I am, and love myself as I am.
I nurture the child within me.
I feel secure in who I am, 
and do not need to compare myself to others.
All of the strengths I have ever had are present in me today. 
I still have the same positive character, 
even if not all of my strengths are shown right now. 
I have all of those strengths of character, 
and will use those strengths again.
I imagine and believe that all of these affirmations 
are true for me, right now in this moment, 
and enjoy the self-esteem relaxation I am experiencing.
I accept myself. I care for myself.
I take time for myself, and enjoy it. 
I deserve time for myself, 
and I feel good about taking this time regularly.
I handle difficulties with grace.
I allow myself to experience and express emotions, 
both negative and positive.
I accept myself.
I am perfectly alright just the way I am.
I accept myself.
I am a valuable human being.
I accept myself. I feel confident.
I accept myself. I feel secure.
I accept myself. I accept myself. 

Think again about your peaceful place. 

Picture yourself enjoying this environment. 
Acknowledge the feelings you are experiencing 
after repeating the self-esteem relaxation affirmations. 
Accept any positive or negative feelings you are having. 
Allow yourself to feel calm and at peace. 

Now it is time to leave your special place. 
Know that you can return here in your imagination 
any time to relax, feel calm and relaxed, 
and feel comfortable and safe. 

Take with you the feelings of acceptance of yourself, 
and belief in the self-esteem relaxation affirmations. 
Continue to feel positive and accepting of yourself. 

Hold on to this secure feeling of self-esteem 
as you return to your day's activities.

With Love from Rev.Bola 

Title: 'Music From The Vortex'

Now take a deep breadth, and .... R.E.L.A.X.
Simply bask in this soothing music, by one of the most beautiful voices of our times.   E.N.J.O.Y!
Peace and Light
Rev.Bola Ani- Divine

Useful Links:
*Life Lessons by Rev.Bola 
*Affirmative Prayer Requests and Answers 

Friday, 20 May 2011

Title: ' Wisdom from The Vortex'

*The Principles of Miracles:-

1. There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not "harder" or "bigger" than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.
2. Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, Which is far beyond evaluation.
3. Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.
see more here: A Course In Miracles
 'Nothing I see in this room [on this street, from this window,
in this place] means anything.'

This table does not mean anything.
This chair does not mean anything.
This hand does not mean anything.
This foot does not mean anything.
This pen does not mean anything.
* From Lesson 1 - A Course In Miracles


*Miracle Wisdom Quotes:-

''....God is
 a totality of action,
not a static condition of potential identity.''

''...Everything must be true
  by the possibility of it,
  and certainly
  your return to Heaven
  would be a part of that.

Are you ready to return?
  You never really left.''

''...the definition of time
  is a break in communication,
  a momentary loss of communication.''
''...the world is a denial of God.''

“...Be ye perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”
''...Having thoughts is the problem.''
''...Don’t put off the inevitable.
 What’s the inevitable?
 Eternal life!

You thought it was death.''


*Wisdom words for Spiritual teachers and Guides:-

''And now in all your doings be you blessed.
God turns to you for help to save the world.
Teacher of God, His thanks He offers you,
And all the world stands silent in the grace
You bring from Him.You are the Son He loves,
And it is given you to be the means
Through which His Voice is heard around the world,
To close all things of time; to end the sight
Of all things visible; and to undo
All things that change. Through you is ushered in
A world unseen, unheard, yet truly there.
Holy are you, and in your light the world
Reflects your holiness, for you are not
Alone and friendless. I give thanks for you,
And join your efforts on behalf of God,
Knowing they are on my behalf as well,
And for all those who walk to God with me.''


We can see that thoughts from the Vortex (ie. the mind of God),
are vastly different to those of the world system we live in. 
The former thoughts are wonderfully liberating, while the latter thoughts
are severely limiting. 

Our existing reality is created by the contents of our minds,
because our daily thoughts, create our daily experiences.
Therefore, when we find ourselves dissatisfied with the reality we see ourselves in,
it makes sense that we change the mindset, which brought us to that reality in the first place.

So.... are we willing for our thoughts to be changed, for the betterment of all?

Well, simply by living from The Vortex, our thoughts become like God's.

Peace and Light
Rev.Bola Ani- Divine

Helpful Links:-
*A Course in Miracles
*Hay House - UK
*Rev.Bola's Prosperity Tips


Monday, 9 May 2011

Title: 'A Message From The Vortex'

Rosa Celeste: Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the...Image via Wikipedia
God said:

Do you have any idea of how enchanted I am with you? Yes, you. You with all your foibles, I adore you. That’s how it is. I love you, and I love the core of you.
With each of My children, I see a bright golden light. Each of you has that, is that. This is what I see. I see this golden reflection of Myself. That is the core of you. That is you without all the encumbrances you wrap around yourself.
I see your essence, and what I see is the essence of you. Your light, My light, are the same.
Your light is covered with a body and all your thoughts.
Imagine yourself for a moment, if you will, as bright beautiful radiating golden light. Imagine your heart as a bright sun revolving in your chest. That’s it. That’s who you are. A bright sun spinning. How Our light embraces.
At the core of you, you are no less than the Great Ones. What they had, you have too. It is all there within you. If only you could see yourself as this bright golden light, you would own the world. You would own Heaven. You would own love. You would own to love is what I mean. You would admit it. You would know Who you really are. You would not be blinded by your radiance. You would see for the first time. You would see yourself as I do see you. You would be light itself.
And then you would see everyone else the same. You would see Truth. You would move in Truth. You wouldn’t compromise Truth. You wouldn’t be distant from it. You would embrace the light of yourself which is Truth abiding. There is no other Truth than love, and you are the bright light of love. You feed the Earth and all in it with your abiding light. You are the light that shines. You are My Shining Light. You are the light of the Earth and you are the light of My love, resplendent on a world that needs Our light.
What could possibly trouble such beautiful golden swirls of light as My children are? What strength you are. What a Being. What nothings can you be entangled with? Let the entanglements go. Allow yourself to be the bright light that you most certainly are. You are nothing but bright light. All the rest is illusion you have been carrying on with. You have been talking to phantoms.
You are light and nothing but light. You are the radiance of My heart. You are My glance upon the world.
There are no conditions to My love, for I see My light in you. There is no fault to find with your beautiful light, and, when I look at you, that’s what I see, the magnificence of My light as if I were looking into a mirror. I am looking into a mirror that is you, and I see Myself. What is not to love?
I have said before that you are love and nothing but love. And now I tell you that light and love are One. Do not hide under the covers, beloveds. Bare your light so that the world and everyone in it is lighted. You are not this mortal dust. You are not meager. You are not suffering. You know not illness. You are not timid. The Bright Light that you are knows not fear. What is there to fear? All bright light is One. You and I are One Bright Light. We are like laser light that pierces the world into knowingness of itself.
The seeming world is made of many bright lights, and so the world is lighted, and you are the lighting of it. You are the lighter of the world and the brightening of it.

Permanent Link:

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
With Love
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Thursday, 5 May 2011

'Ho'oponopono - A Gift From The Vortex'

 Title: 'THANKS' - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola

To: Everyone   From: The Bottom Of My Heart Today
 I  say.....

...Thank you, 
I'm sorry,
Please forgive me, 
 I love you.

Peace and Light