Title: 'ALONE BUT NOT LONELY' - PrayerArt by Rev.Bola Ani- (April2011)
*Are you afraid to be alone? Are you afraid that if no one else is around, no one will be present, and you will find yourself in a void or vacuum?
Isn't it ironic that the most useful tool for cleaning our internal environment is a 'vacuum' cleaner? Vacuums are excellent for cleaning up after us, and clearing up our messes. So we can live in gratitude rather than fear, of our vacuum cleaners, and let go of our resistance to vacuums since they do serve an excellent purpose in our lives.
When we lose the awareness of our higher-selves (our connection with SOURCE), we try to fill up the void with work, busyness, food, alcohol, drugs, people, sex, money, computers, gambling, blaming, sacrifice, addictions, obsessions, compulsions, dramas, and all sorts of substitutes. But they never work. Nothing can fill the emptiness.
When no one else is around, when nothing else is there, and your inner and outer space is empty of clutter, you have the potential to be with a very interesting person....yourself and your Source. When you step into the Vortex and spend time with Source, loneliness ends, and a powerful sense of belonging begins.
Find out how simple it is to step into the Vortex by posting a comment here or emailing me your questions directly to
theatre4mankind.co.uk. Mark the heading 'The Vortex'
Written by Rev.Bola Ani-
(copyright 14.4.11 -ARR)
Related Links:-
*Life Lessons
*Enlightenment - How Not To
*Prosperity Tips
*Are you afraid to be alone? Are you afraid that if no one else is around, no one will be present, and you will find yourself in a void or vacuum?
Isn't it ironic that the most useful tool for cleaning our internal environment is a 'vacuum' cleaner? Vacuums are excellent for cleaning up after us, and clearing up our messes. So we can live in gratitude rather than fear, of our vacuum cleaners, and let go of our resistance to vacuums since they do serve an excellent purpose in our lives.
When we lose the awareness of our higher-selves (our connection with SOURCE), we try to fill up the void with work, busyness, food, alcohol, drugs, people, sex, money, computers, gambling, blaming, sacrifice, addictions, obsessions, compulsions, dramas, and all sorts of substitutes. But they never work. Nothing can fill the emptiness.
When no one else is around, when nothing else is there, and your inner and outer space is empty of clutter, you have the potential to be with a very interesting person....yourself and your Source. When you step into the Vortex and spend time with Source, loneliness ends, and a powerful sense of belonging begins.
Find out how simple it is to step into the Vortex by posting a comment here or emailing me your questions directly to
theatre4mankind.co.uk. Mark the heading 'The Vortex'
Written by Rev.Bola Ani-
(copyright 14.4.11 -ARR)
Related Links:-
*Life Lessons
*Enlightenment - How Not To
*Prosperity Tips