Thursday, 14 April 2011

Title: 'Who Is Inside The Vortex?'

 Title: 'ALONE BUT NOT LONELY' - PrayerArt by Rev.Bola Ani- (April2011)

*Are you afraid to be alone? Are you afraid that if no one else is around, no one will be present, and you will  find yourself in a void or vacuum?

Isn't it ironic that the most useful tool for cleaning our internal environment is a 'vacuum' cleaner? Vacuums are excellent for cleaning up after us, and clearing up our messes. So we can live in gratitude rather than fear, of our vacuum cleaners, and let go of our resistance to vacuums since they do serve an excellent purpose in our lives.

When we lose the awareness of our higher-selves (our connection with SOURCE), we try to fill up the void with work, busyness, food, alcohol, drugs, people, sex, money, computers, gambling, blaming, sacrifice, addictions, obsessions, compulsions, dramas, and all sorts of substitutes. But they never work. Nothing can fill the emptiness.

When no one else is around, when nothing else is there, and your inner and outer space is empty of clutter, you have the potential to be with a very interesting person....yourself and your Source. When you step into the Vortex and spend time with Source, loneliness ends, and a powerful sense of belonging begins.

Find out how simple it is to step into the Vortex by posting a comment here or emailing me your questions directly to Mark the heading 'The Vortex'

Written by Rev.Bola Ani-
(copyright 14.4.11 -ARR)

Related Links:-
*Life Lessons
*Enlightenment - How Not To
*Prosperity Tips
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Wednesday, 13 April 2011


    Title: 'MY VORTEX'  - PrayerArt by Rev.Bola Animashaun (April2011)

*From outside of the VORTEX, I am an unknown, undervalued, and unappreciated victim of society with so many wasted gifts which are completely misunderstood by those around me. Outside of The Vortex, those who do see and value my gifts and talents, perceive me as being unworthy of such gifts, and out of jealousy and envy, they attempt in various ways to undermine me and my abilities, or to covet my various skills and talents for their own agendas. 

Outside of the Vortex, I see myself surrounded by people who think I don't deserve to have any wealth, or to be paid for my offerings, and any pay I do receive should be as miserly and as little as possible even if my skills or services are found to be of immense benefit. Outside of the Vortex, I see people around me assuming that they should receive anything valuable I have to offer, for no exchange.  

From outside the Vortex and disconnected from The Source, I see that I am expected to work like a slave, and just give away everything that I have worked hard for, completely free of charge, and without getting anything back in return. In short no exchange or compensation for positive goods or services I render to society. This is, despite the fact that it costs me, a great deal of time, energy, money, dedication, commitment and practice, not to speak of focus, to achieve those abilities and skills; to do the necessary research and to thus place the results, where they can be easily available to all. Outside of the Vortex, I perceive that many people have little or no respect for my offerings for the following reasons:-

a) Because I am a female, and the services and skills of women, are valued less in the society than those of men; whether in the home, or in the work place. Outside of the Vortex,  Masculine energy is always right and is a creative force that is idolised and worshipped as God, whilst Feminine energy is an inferior Source of life energy that should be at best denied, or ignored as a nuisance, and at worst completely banished altogether.
b) Because I am a Person of Color, and so the services, abilities and skills offered by people of ethnic origin are valued less, in the society, than those of Caucasian origin.
c) Because I am over 50 years old, and  the services, skills, energies and physical attributes of Elders are devalued in the society, in favour of YOUTH culture.

From within the VORTEX however,  I perceive that I am a respected and valued visionary, a talented artist, a gifted musician, poet and writer. From within the Vortex, I see that I am respected as an experienced and wise leader, life coach, counselor, student, public speaker, and guide for the human soul. I am perceived as a courageous, powerful yet humble, caring, loving, peaceful and harmonious being. 

From within the Vortex, I am perceived by those around me, to be totally deserving of prosperity, and worthy of all good things. I am seen as kind, supportive and encouraging with a huge amount to offer the world. From within the Vortex, I can perceive that almost everyone in my life, is aware of my talents and abilities, and that people value my contributions to their lives, immensely. 

From the Vortex, I can see that everyone I am connected to does appreciate me, and are also aware of just how much I care about their well being. All who know me, are conscious of my own connection to SOURCE, and they do see that connection as important and sacred. From within the Vortex,  everybody I am connected to ( irrespective of their race, nationality, gender, age, sexuality, religious beliefs, or social standing) does genuinely wish me success, prosperity, happiness and peace, and they all know in their hearts, that I also wish them the same.

How tremendous the difference in viewpoints and perspectives, that are available from within and outside of the Vortex! What a mighty distinction there is between living from within the Vortex in complete alignment with SOURCE, and living from outside the Vortex in separation and disconnection from that Source. Personally, I know which option I prefer. What about you?

If you want to know more, about how you can live from your Vortex, in complete alignment with SPIRIT, then write to me in earnest, with your enquiries and questions, and I will send you more information. In the meantime you can check out the links below my signature.

Your questions and comments are welcome.

Written by Rev.Bola Animashaun
(Copyright: 13April2011 -ARR)

Related Links:
*Life Lessons by Rev.Bola 
*Affirmative Prayer Requests and Answers 



Sunday, 10 April 2011

Title: 'Help - From The Vortex Perspective'

Title: 'GENESIS 1 - LET THERE BE LIGHT'  PrayerArt by Rev.Bola (Feb'11)

It is a worthy goal to be a considerate, loving, nurturing person. Yet there is a difference between genuine help, and rescuing or caretaking behavior. Caretaking involves caring for others in ways that hamper them in learning to take responsibility for themselves. Caretaking is a form of inappropriate helping, and in the long run ends up extremely unhelpful to both the recepient and the helper. Caretaking is based on the erroneous belief, that we can be responsible for the happiness of another, or that we can somehow 'make' another person happy. We may believe mistakingly, that others are  responsible for our own happiness, and when they don't behave accordingly, we get upset with them. The truth is that inappropriate helping plain does not work.  It just hurts us, causes the helper to feel used, abused, victimised, taken for granted and taken advantage of, and it causes the one receiving the inappropriate help to feel inadequate, inferior, incapable and irresponsible.
Is this really what we want to achieve?

The main point to realise here is that, when we are aligned with the powerful energy of SOURCE, any help we offer from that viewpoint, will be constructive and genuinely useful, because we would be offering help from within the Vortex, where all answers are possible. You have heard the saying that with God all things are possible. Indeed when you are within your Vortex, you are in alignment with your Spirit (your Inner Being). You are then tuned-in to actually perceive the correct solutions, and appropriate assistance for the people you are observing, and you are better able to assist them constructively, in a manner which empowers, rather than diminishes them.

Whenever you help, out of feelings of pressure, guilt, anxiety, or discomfort, you are not acting from your Vortex, or from your alignment with SOURCE, therefore the solutions you come up with, will be ego-driven, of little or no value or consequence, and could even worsen the situation, thereby creating further problems. Wherever you see a situation getting worse, and spiralling out of control despite large quantities of 'help' being thrown at it, this is indication that the help is not coming from an alignment with Source, but from outside the Vortex. 

Simply put, to be trully helpful to others, the support offered has to be directed from within your Vortex not from ego. You will know the difference, by the way it all feels. Do you feel pressured, worried, overwhelmed, distressed, when helping this person or people, or do you feel calm, relaxed, peaceful, inspired, and energised? Are you acting out of Faith or out of Desperation? Is your attention focused on the weight of the problem, or on the likelihood of the solution?

From personal experience, I have come to realise how important a lesson this is, for all of us in the helping professions, for women in particular (mothers, spouses, girlfriends, daughters, sisters, best friends etc) and for all nurturers in general.  By very nature of the roles defined for us by society, we women are often prone to subconscious caretaking in our relationships, and subsequently to feeling somewhat victimised by that. With this greater awareness, we are now capable of being more vigilant.  However, this lesson is in no way limited to women alone. We all can give out help, from a position of successful alignment with Source. This means being aligned with strength when we offer our assistance, and not with weakness, or with the problem.

The kindest and most generous behaviour we can choose, is to take responsibility for ourselves - for what we think, feel and do, allowing others to do the same, by taking responsibility for themselves i.e. for their own thoughts, feelings, habits and the consequences thereof. The most beneficial act we can perform for one another, is to be consistently true to ourselves, by living from within our Vortex, and in complete alignment with our Source.

Your questions and comments are welcome.

Much Peace and Love
Rev.Bola Animashaun (11April2011 )

Related Link:

Saturday, 9 April 2011

'Time In The Vortex - Are You Wasting God's Time?'

 *Title: 'TIME'  - PrayerArt by Rev.Bola (April 2011)

What are you doing right at this moment? Just stop and think about it.
Well obviously..... you are reading this article. ((LOL)) But are you doing anything else at the same time, or simultaneously? For example... are you....alone or with company? Are you, at home, at work, in a library, an internet cafe, a pub, a church building, a college, on a train etc....where are you? What activity are you engaged in? Are you talking to someone, reading quietly or out loud, typing or taking notes? If you are with company, what kind of people are around you? If you are engaged in conversation, what are you talking about? 

Simply make considered observation as to whether, the activity with which you are engaged, at this very moment (no matter how big or small), is of value, is worthwhile, constructive or appropriate? More importantly, is this activity loving? joyful? educational or peaceful? Whom or what does it serve? Does it add-to, or diminish, the quality of  life, for yourself or others? Whom or what would benefit from it now or in the future, how and why?

Time is a most precious and valuable asset. Consider for a moment, the many souls  whose lives on earth have just ended, this very instant, as we speak. They have left their bodies, their communities, their closest and dearest, their homes, jobs, families, friends, colleagues, pets, admirers, enemies, hobbies, pastimes, material belongings. They have simply died, having taken their last breath amongst us for this lifetime, never to be seen or heard from, in the same way ever again. Not even the banking system, the persistent debt collectors, or credit card bailiffs, can ever get another payment out of them, no matter what they have owed. 
It's now finished! Over!

Life is indeed short my dear friend. Not so long ago, you were but a little embryo in the womb and then a child barely learning to walk, and just starting kindergarten. Now as an adult, you look back in amazement, wondering how all that time has passed. Isn't it amazing how quickly a lifetime goes by, and before you know it you are 65 years of age, and being referred to as an OAP, even though inside you don't feel a day older than 21 years of age!! But whatever your age right now, it's important that you stop a moment, to assess what exactly you are doing with the time you have now, and more importantly what you intend to do with the rest of it in the future. Is your time really yours?

The past is over and gone. Perhaps you have done incredibly well up till now, or maybe you've messed up big time so far. Probably many will find themselves somewhere in the middle, along that spectrum. The fact is, one way or another,  you have made it to this very moment in time, and you are HERE, right now and  present. YOU... are still breathing, and I assume still capable, of conscious thought and emotional responses. You are here, creating your future experiences with whatever it is that you are doing right now. Lets repeat that statement. Whatever you are engaged with right now,( in thought, emotion, passion, word or deed), is actively generating your future, and the day will come when you will experience your last breath here on earth, and will cease to exist, in that body of yours. At that time, it is YOU,  and only you who will be accountable then, (as you are now), for how you used your time. 

So at this present moment, do the thoughts you are thinking, the words you are saying, the actions you are taking, benefit you and/or others, in any way, or do they cause harm? Those daily activities and habits that we often take for granted, all add up. Even simple things like doing the washing up, smiling at the neighbor across the road, turning up to an important appointment on time, keeping that promise you made, sending that get well card to cheer someone up 'who is recovering from an illness, answering a client's questions patiently over the phone, telling someone only the truth about a product or service you are selling, giving extra care and attention to the newcomer who is having difficulty settling in, counting to 10 rather than making that hurtful remark, suspending blame or judgement towards another, refusing to participate in backstabbing or gossip mongering, saying sorry when a mistake has been made and making amends for it, paying someone a well deserved compliment, forgiving an indiscretion, etc...etc..etc....Whichever activity you may be engaged in right now, the point is this; how much, and to whom will it matter in 8 months, 8 years or even 80 years time? If the actions of the present are what generate the experiences of the future, then it is important enough that you have a satisfactory answer to the following questions....

What are you doing with your own time right now? What are you presently focused on, and how valuable is it? Is there anything you are not saying or doing, which you could be saying or doing, that would be of benefit? Or is there anything you are saying or doing right now, that you need not be, because it is harmful, a waste of time, or of very little importance or value? Finally the most important question of all, how much will this activity you are engaged in now matter, and will it count for anything, when you are dead?

Written by Rev.Bola Animashaun 
(Copyright 8Apr2011 -ARR)

Related link:

'Handling Currency in the Vortex - What's our Money?'

   Title : 'CASHxxx'  - PrayerArt by Rev.Bola (April2011)

 There is tremendous power in a name. What we call something or someone, is rather important. A name does have a very significant effect on our subconscious minds, and affects the way we perceive the thing, person, object or event the name represents. I had a friend once whose parents had named him 'Prosper', and another one called 'Tiny'. What effect do you think those names would have had on the lives of those individuals?

My own first name, in its fullest original form means: 'I was wise enough to give birth to Joy!'
Isn't that amazing? And my own surname means: 'She who owns plenty, and is so generous with it!'
I am so thankful to my parents for the well thought out names they gave me. I just pray I can and do live up to, what I am called. Africans have always been excellent at naming their babies. This is partly because traditionally for them, an individual's name is also their calling, in the sense that what one is called, is also one's life purpose and is what you are called to do in life. This makes perfect sense doesn't it? A lot of common sense does come out of the heart of Africa that is trully worthy of note.

 Let's suppose now, that we were to have a different name for our money? Let's suppose that, instead of calling our financial notes 'Pounds, Dollars, Yen, or Euros', that we were to call them 'Hugs', 'Kisses' 'Blessings' or 'Handshakes'? So  for instance, rather than say that I paid someone fifty dollars for a bag of groceries, I were to say that I paid that someone fifty Hugs, for a bag of groceries. Or instead of saying that the offering price on a house was 250,000 pounds, I were to say instead, that the offer on the house was 250,000 Handshakes? Or instead of saying that, I owed 1000 Euros on my credit card, I were to say that, I owed 1000 Kisses on my credit card? And instead of saying that I had paid 3000 pounds to a dealer for my automobile, I were to say instead that I had paid the dealer 3000 Blessings? Which feels better?

A simple demonstration here, that indeed their is power in a name. I am sure each reader could come up with a few alternative names to call our financial currency, that would lighten our mood and improve our attitudes towards money. Personally, I would love to see Nigerian currency called 'Blessings and Hearts' rather than the 'Naira and Kobo', they are called now, no offence to the originator who I'm sure was good intentioned.  Perhaps then, the average annual salary for a nurse or a teacher, could be called something like 400,000 Blessings, rather than 400,000 Naira.  Anyway, I am sure by now you get my point. Giving and receiving currency as Blessings, Hearts, Handshakes, Hugs, Kisses etc, sounds a lot more meaningful and representative to me, of actual life, than giving and receiving dollars, pounds, or naira.

Another idea could be to conduct some social/market surveys for alternative names to call money,  or even to set up a national or regional competition for the most suitable and life affirming alternative names, for our financial currency. The point I am making here, is that creating wealth, is not meant to be a drudgery, a source of pressure, frustration, anxiety and depression, as it does appear to be for so many people. Handling money, financial stewardship, creating prosperity, affluence, creating financial abundance for all, was and is meant to be a joyful, peaceful, life affirming, simple activity; after all, that is supposed to be what 'makes the world go round'. So why can't this 'merry-go-round' be pleasurable and fun?

It is really up to each and everyone of us to ensure that this is so, and that could begin, with something as simple and straightforward, as changing the name and meaning, that we give to our money.
What do you feel?

Written by Rev.Bola Animashaun
(Copyright 9April2011 -ARR)

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