Title: 'GENESIS 1 - LET THERE BE LIGHT' PrayerArt by Rev.Bola (Feb'11) |
It is a worthy goal to be a considerate, loving, nurturing person. Yet there is a difference between genuine help, and rescuing or caretaking behavior. Caretaking involves caring for others in ways that hamper them in learning to take responsibility for themselves. Caretaking is a form of inappropriate helping, and in the long run ends up extremely unhelpful to both the recepient and the helper. Caretaking is based on the erroneous belief, that we can be responsible for the happiness of another, or that we can somehow 'make' another person happy. We may believe mistakingly, that others are responsible for our own happiness, and when they don't behave accordingly, we get upset with them. The truth is that inappropriate helping plain does not work. It just hurts us, causes the helper to feel used, abused, victimised, taken for granted and taken advantage of, and it causes the one receiving the inappropriate help to feel inadequate, inferior, incapable and irresponsible.
Is this really what we want to achieve?
The main point to realise here is that, when we are aligned with the powerful energy of SOURCE, any help we offer from that viewpoint, will be constructive and genuinely useful, because we would be offering help from within the Vortex, where all answers are possible. You have heard the saying that with God all things are possible. Indeed when you are within your Vortex, you are in alignment with your Spirit (your Inner Being). You are then tuned-in to actually perceive the correct solutions, and appropriate assistance for the people you are observing, and you are better able to assist them constructively, in a manner which empowers, rather than diminishes them.
Whenever you help, out of feelings of pressure, guilt, anxiety, or discomfort, you are not acting from your Vortex, or from your alignment with SOURCE, therefore the solutions you come up with, will be ego-driven, of little or no value or consequence, and could even worsen the situation, thereby creating further problems. Wherever you see a situation getting worse, and spiralling out of control despite large quantities of 'help' being thrown at it, this is indication that the help is not coming from an alignment with Source, but from outside the Vortex.
Simply put, to be trully helpful to others, the support offered has to be directed from within your Vortex not from ego. You will know the difference, by the way it all feels. Do you feel pressured, worried, overwhelmed, distressed, when helping this person or people, or do you feel calm, relaxed, peaceful, inspired, and energised? Are you acting out of Faith or out of Desperation? Is your attention focused on the weight of the problem, or on the likelihood of the solution?
From personal experience, I have come to realise how important a lesson this is, for all of us in the helping professions, for women in particular (mothers, spouses, girlfriends, daughters, sisters, best friends etc) and for all nurturers in general. By very nature of the roles defined for us by society, we women are often prone to subconscious caretaking in our relationships, and subsequently to feeling somewhat victimised by that. With this greater awareness, we are now capable of being more vigilant. However, this lesson is in no way limited to women alone. We all can give out help, from a position of successful alignment with Source. This means being aligned with strength when we offer our assistance, and not with weakness, or with the problem.
The kindest and most generous behaviour we can choose, is to take responsibility for ourselves - for what we think, feel and do, allowing others to do the same, by taking responsibility for themselves i.e. for their own thoughts, feelings, habits and the consequences thereof. The most beneficial act we can perform for one another, is to be consistently true to ourselves, by living from within our Vortex, and in complete alignment with our Source.
Your questions and comments are welcome.
Much Peace and Love
Rev.Bola Animashaun (11April2011 )
Related Link: http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php.
Here is a helpful excerpt I got from -
ReplyDeleteThe Secret: Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne.
"You can most certainly help others through your thoughts, and they can help you. Every good thought you send another is a living force. However, the person you are sending the thought to has to be asking for the same thing you are sending. If the person does not want it, then they are not in harmony with your thought frequency, and it will not penetrate them.
You cannot create in another's mind against their will, but if it is something they want, your thoughts are a real force that helps them."
I believe the key link to consider here when offering help to others is FREEWILL:-)
Much Love